안예까페에 존 레논이 진화설을 믿지 않았다는 내용의 글이 올라왔는데요.

”진화설을 간파한 비틀즈 존레넌의 천재성 http://cafe.naver.com/jncwk/54466”

존 레논이 뭐라고 했나 볼까요?

Nor do I think we came from monkeys, by the way… That’s another piece of garbage. What the hell’s it based on? We couldn’t’ve come from anything–fish, maybe, but not monkeys. I don’t believe in the evolution of fish to monkeys to men. Why aren’t monkeys changing into men now? It’s absolute garbage. It’s absolutely irrational garbage, as mad as the ones who believe the world was made only four thousand years ago, the fundamentalists. That and the monkey thing are both as insane as the apes standing up suddenly. The early men are always drawn like apes, right? Because that fits in the theory we have been living with since Darwin. I don’t buy that monkey business. [Singing] ”Too much monkey business…” [Laughing] I don’t buy it. I’ve got no basis for it and no theory to offer, I just don’t buy it. Something other than that. Something simpler. I don’t buy anything other than ”It always was and ever shall be.” I can’t conceive of anything less or more. The other theories change all the time. They set up these idols and then they knock them down. It keeps all the old professors happy in the university. It gives them something to do. I don’t know if there’s any harm in it except they ram it down everybody’s throat. Everything they told me as a kid has already been disproved by the same type of ”experts” who made them up in the first place. There.

All We Are Saying, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2000

”Why aren’t monkeys changing into men now?”

뭐 할말 없네요.

결론 : 이 천재님은 진화론에 대해서 모릅니다.

그나저나, 존 레논이 종교도 반대한걸 알고 진화설을 간파한 천재성이 어쩌고 하는건가?

“as mad as the ones who believe the world was made only four thousand years ago”
